

El que ven és la carn.com

Només cal fer una ullada per les edicions digitals dels principals periòdics nacionals per fer-se una idea de que el que ven és el sexe (sobre tot el sexe femení). És igual que et consideren de dretes o d'esquerres, el que val són les visites, la pubicitat i, per tant, la pasta. 

El País.com 20/11/2010

La Razón.es 20/11/2010

La Razón.es 20/11/2010

ABC.es 20/11/2010

ABC.es 20/11/2010

El Mundo.es 20/11/2010

5 comentaris:

  1. Hi, do you understand english, right? i'm not sure about how i came to this site, but it's a pretty place... thanks to google translator that i can understand what you write.
    i'm an erasmus student here, in valencia, so i know this is valensiano, your language.
    i liked a lot this topic, and i'm not sure about if this is bad... of course, porn sites are most visited in the world wide, so why don't talk about sex, or publish erotic pictures in newspapers online? that's good, i'm sure you enjoy it! am i wrong?

  2. Què fort... no en sóm conscients, però ens venen sempre el mateix de forma explícita o subliminal...

    Açò dóna per a una llaaaarga conversa o entrada al bloc, la veritat.

  3. Buffff, esto ya se sabe, Pilar.
    Lo problemático y decepcionantemente sorprendente es que la gente siga viéndolo tan normal como sonarse los mocos.

  4. Hi tom, firtst of all, thanks for your comment, I didn't answer it before because Google had classified it as a spam, so until I've went to the spam folder, I haven't seen it. Of course porn is the most viewed topic in the Internet, but the way the Media uses sexual topics or sexual images is worrying although it has, of course an explanation: The advertising pays the media, and the advertiser wants a lot of visits to the site, so most of the times, online newspapers have to talk about silly issues or just show a lot of pictures of nude women and men. And, of course, I don't like it, as a person and as a future journalist. I hope you have a great time in Valencia, but be careful to not get corrupted by Valencian politicians ;)

  5. Irene, Cuatro estaciones, teniu tota la raó. És preocupant fins al punt de que cada dia ocorre el mateix als mitjans digitals, i cada vegada més als escrits i a la TV. Gràcies per passar-vos ;)
